Registration is now open for 2025!
2025 Age Matrix- Birth Year
2018-2019 Pee Wee
2016-2017 Ponytails
2014-2015 Juniors
2011-2013 Middle School
2006-2010 High School
Player's jersey and pants sizes will be part of the online registration process. If you've been in the league for a few years and know your player's size, then you're done. If you're not sure, just enter your best guess and you will have a chance to try on samples in early March once the teams are drafted. This will help us keep uniform sizing weekend to a smaller group of people.
Important Dates:
Registration opens - Dec 1
Registration closes -Jan 31
Draft Night- Feb 25th
Batting Cages Practices start- March 1st and 2nd
Opening Day- April 28th
Expected Playoffs - Week of June 23rd
Friday Night Bash – July 11
Picture day – TBD
Expected Games Days:
- Pee Wees and Juniors- Monday 6:15, Saturdays 12:00 and some Fridays 6:15
- Ponytails and Middle School- Tuesdays 6:15, Saturdays 9:30 and some Fridays 6:15
- High School - Dates to be Determined
Makeup Games - Mainly Fridays and Sundays with occasional Mondays or Tuesdays mixed in.
House Player Notice
We require all players to supply their own batting helmets. The player's helmet should have a mark indicating that it is NOCSAE certified and it must have a facemask and chin strap. You will also have the opportunity to purchase a new helmet at cost through the league during registration or you can purchase one on your own. The cost of the league supplied helmet/facemask/chinstrap is $40.00 and it is yours to keep.